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The Mystery Man, the revealing exhibition on the Shroud of Turin in Caravaca de la Cruz

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At the Church of the Company of Jesus in Caravaca de la Cruz, an exhibition challenges the limits of time and human understanding: "The Mystery Man." This anthology, based on 15 years of study on the Shroud of Turin, offers a fascinating journey through one of history's greatest enigmas: Who was the man of the Shroud?

Over six rooms, visitors are invited to discover the most important aspects related to the Shroud. From historical analysis to the latest scientific investigations, this exhibition offers a unique experience that transcends the boundaries of faith and reason.

The Mystery Man, the revealing exhibition on the Shroud of Turin in Caravaca de la Cruz

The exhibition reveals the mysteries behind this iconic piece of linen, from the burns suffered in an ancient fire to the meticulous details of the image imprinted on the fabric. Visitors can view both the front and back of the human figure, marked by signs of torment and suffering.

Science also plays a fundamental role in the analysis of the Shroud. Forensic studies have confirmed that the cloth covered a man who suffered torture, coinciding with the Gospel accounts of the Passion of Christ. However, the formation of the image remains an unsolved mystery, defying conventional explanations and fueling the curiosity of entire generations.

Among the highlights of the exhibition is a life-size hyper-realistic sculpture based on scientific and forensic criteria extracted from the Shroud. This representation of the man of the Shroud offers a unique and moving vision of the figure that has captivated millions of people around the world.


In addition to the exhibition, visitors can purchase a book that complements the exhibition, providing even greater depth to the themes presented; with detailed analyses and exclusive photographs that capture the essence of the mystery behind the Shroud.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to explore one of the greatest mysteries in history. The exhibition will be open until July 31. We look forward to seeing you and discovering the secrets behind this sacred relic!

Get your tickets here.