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The best natural balconies with Mediterranean views in the Region of Murcia!

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Top viewing points from La Manga del Mar Menor to Águilas:

Wherever you go in the Mediterranean, if offered the choice you’ll always opt for a place with a balcony and a sea view, and in the Region of Murcia nature provides a myriad of privileged locations with their own panoramic vistas!

Of course, they don’t come equipped with en-suite bathrooms and mini-fridges, but these places are perfect to just stop and contemplate the enormity of the Mediterranean for as far as the eye can see, and what they lack in air conditioning they more than make up for with the refreshing sea breezes!

Our first port of call is the castle of San Juan in Águilas, a historic fortress with incredible views out over the town and the spectacular coastline. The climb up the hill seems to take you back in time while your eyes are drawn constantly to the beauty of the sea, and as the sun sets the pink and orange hues in the sky are truly memorable.

castillo san juan de las águilas-1

Next up is the lighthouse of Cabo de Palos, another historic building which by its very nature demands magnificent sea views. For centuries there has been a lighthouse there guiding sailors safely to port, and now it is a magnet for adventure seekers looking for the finest views from the headland on which it stands.

The bluish rocks of the promontory and the bright blue of the sea make it a perfect spot for nature lovers (and, of course, anyone looking for a great photo), while the waves breaking on the rocks below provide a dramatic backdrop. In addition, from here your sea views are not limited to the Mediterranean, as the whole of the Mar Menor is visible from this high up!

Faro Cabo Palos Cartagena SYP Ascensión Guillermo

Not far from Cabo de Palos is the viewing point of Monte Blanco in La Manga, again with great views over both the Mar Menor and the Mediterranean, with the surprising contrast between the calm waters of the former and the waves of the latter clearly visible. This is a perfect spot to watch the sun rise over the Mediterranean, and later in the day the sunset over the Mar Menor is equally memorable: just relax and enjoy the wide spectrum of colours painted in the sky!

monte blanco la manga

Our last stop is Monte de las Cenizas, which stands above the unspoilt coastline of the Regional Park of Calblanque between Cartagena and Cabo de Palos. This is a hiker’s paradise, with numerous old gun batteries and must-see viewing points over the Mediterranean and the surrounding countryside.

las cenizas

Some of the walking routes are fairly challenging – this is a mountain, after all! – but the reward at the top are the stupendous views as the Mediterranean unfolds below.

Each of these spots have its own charm and special atmosphere, and it goes without saying that there are countless more all along the Costa Cálida from San Pedro del Pinatar in the north-east of Murcia to Águilas in the south-west. Don’t forget to take your camera or smartphone to make all your friends jealous!