Caravaca Jubilar

What you need to know before cycling the Levante Way

Written by Turismo Región de Murcia | 7/24/24 10:56 AM

Did you know that the Levante Way can also be done by bicycle? At Turismo Región de Murcia, we can confirm that it can, and it’s an experience designed for pilgrimage on foot, by bike, and even on horseback! In this article, we tell you all about it:

Just as we know the expression "all roads lead to Rome," we could say that "many roads lead to the Jubilee city of Caravaca." In fact, there are several routes designed from different parts of the country to reach the Holy City. Among them, we can highlight the Vera Cruz Way, which spans approximately 900 kilometers, crossing Navarra, Aragón, Castilla la Mancha, and Valencia. But today, we focus on the Levante Way.

Levante Way

Starting from Orihuela, the Levante Way provides suitable infrastructure to offer a memorable pilgrimage experience to its visitors, taking advantage of routes such as the Segura River embankment and the Northwest Greenway. In total, the route covers 118 kilometers, allowing you to discover all the secrets of the path, including the gastronomy and culture of the surrounding towns and regions.

The pilgrimage is undertaken with the intention of receiving plenary indulgence or jubilee, meaning the remission of sins before God, which are forgiven if the following requirements are met:

  • Pilgrimage on the designated jubilee years
  • Participate in any celebration held in the Basilica and pray for the Pope's intentions
  • Confess and receive communion on the day of the visit or the preceding or following days

Additionally, to properly certify our pilgrimage, we must obtain the Caravacensis, the official document that verifies it through stamps. To obtain it, you must:

  • Have obtained the Caravacensis or pilgrim's credential from the Diocese of Cartagena or accredited points
  • Have stamped the credential at least once a day along the route in participating establishments
  • Prove that you have cycled at least 100 kilometers
  • Affirm that the pilgrimage to Caravaca de la Cruz was undertaken with a Christian spirit or a search attitude

The 5 stages of the Way

  1. Stage One: 24 kilometers, starting from the Cathedral of El Salvador in Orihuela. It is estimated to take about 2.5 hours by bike to reach the next stage, the city of Murcia.

  2. Stage Two: 26 kilometers, taking approximately 2.5 hours. It ends in Alguazas and is notable for passing through the orchards of Murcia until joining the Northwest Greenway.

  3. Stage Three: Another 26 kilometers, following the Northwest Greenway through Mula, characterized by the famous badlands.

  4. Stage Four: A shorter stage of 21 kilometers or 2 hours, with increasingly green and mountainous landscapes, ending in Bullas.

  5. Stage Five: The final stage, covering another 21 kilometers with some inclines, crossing culturally significant towns like Cehegín, and ending at the Basilica of Vera Cruz in Caravaca de la Cruz.

All details can be consulted further in this guide:

Tips for cyclists starting their pilgrimage

  • Ensure you are in good shape before starting the pilgrimage
  • Frequently check the wheels and chain of the bicycle
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Wear comfortable clothing and shoes, ideally in light colors
  • Stay on the paths specifically designed for the route
  • Carry a travel-sized first aid kit
  • Remember to wear a helmet and reflective clothing, as required

In summary, making a pilgrimage to the Basilica of the Vera Cruz is an extraordinary experience, whether for religious reasons or personal motivation. It is an especially significant event every 7 years and can be enjoyed solo, in groups, or with family. Done correctly and safely, it promises to be an achievement that makes you feel the Extraordinary.